About Me
Who I Am

Why so many pen names?
Good question! And while every author who uses a pseudonym has a particular reason, mine is simple enough–the name on the front of my books is based on the kind of book it is.
Kylie Logan’s Jazz Ramsey mysteries are set in Cleveland and follow the story of Jazz who has a volunteer passion she loves–she trains and handles cadaver dogs. They are traditional mysteries which means that like the neighborhood where Jazz lives, the books are a little dark, a bit edgy
Casey Daniels writes the Pepper Martin mysteries with tongue firmly in cheek. Pepper is chic, sassy, and savvy. She also has a gift she’d like to return. She talks to the dead, and solves mysteries for them at the historic cemetery where she works.
Lucy Ness, on the other hand, gives readers stories that are warmer and cozier. They’re centered on Avery Morgan who gets a job managing a grand women’s club and discovers the ghost of a flapper in the old basement speakeasy.
And soon, Mimi Granger will join the list of my pseudonyms. Mimi’s digging into her romance roots and mixing in some mystery mojo for the Love is Murder mysteries. Watch for the first book, “Death of a Red Hot Rancher.”
What these books have in common is that they’re all mysteries.
But you’ll see that I have other names listed on this site, too. Constance Laux and Connie Lane are just a couple of the names I used back when I first started writing. I broke into publishing writing historical romances and since then, I’ve also written contemporary romance, books for young adults, and one children’s book.
But all the time I was writing in those other genres, what I was reading–what I really loved–were mysteries. I love the twists and turns of a mystery. I love the secrets and the lies, the red herrings and the surprise endings that seem to come out of nowhere–until you realize the author has been preparing the reader for it all along.
I learned to love a good who-dunnit early thanks to my dad, a Cleveland Police detective who enjoyed Sherlock Holmes stories and spent many of his days off searching for stolen cars. Often on those trips, I was along for the ride and to this day, I have Dad to thank for my knowledge of some of the less-savory parts of the city. Later, I read my way through every mystery at the library. Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle, and Elizabeth Peters are among my favorites.
I have a degree in English, experience in journalism, and a love for old cemeteries, dusty archives, the paranormal, and digging into family roots.
When I’m not in front of my computer, I enjoy life with my husband, David, and our dogs. Lucy is a shaggy beast of questionable heritage and Eliot the Airedale is the model for Wally in my Jazz Ramsey books. I enjoy cross stitch, knitting, weaving, stomping through cemeteries, gardening, and sitting on the porch and watching the hummingbirds while I plan my next murder.